Creek Access
One of our main goals at Friends of Kickapoo Creek is to help people gain access to the creek that we have enjoyed so much. However, many of these access points are not maintained, difficult to use, and potentially even dangerous to access. Please exercise caution and use at your own risk. We hope that in the coming years we will be able to construct legitimate boat launches so we can all safely enjoy the beauty and nature available to us, right here in Peoria IL.
The content of this webpage is provided as an information service only and does not represent a warranty of the condition of any paddle trail or associated facilities or amenities. F.o.K.C. is not responsible or liable for the condition of the water trails. The water trails on this site are not patrolled, inspected, or managed for passage. You are solely responsible for your personal safety. You should only paddle trails that are appropriate to your skills. Do not paddle when water levels are too low to allow for passage or when water levels are high, currents are fast, and/or rivers and streams are in flood stage.
If in doubt, do not go on the water.
Kickapoo Creek South
This is the deepest section of Kickapoo Creek, typically floatable year-round. This is where we at FoKC focus our restoration efforts due to the higher levels of urban pollution. Despite that, it is still a wonderful section of creek to float and your best chance for catching big fish.

Wesley Road Boat Ramp - 40°38'56.9"N 89°36'34.0"W - (-0.5) Miles to Mouth
Public boat ramp. Locals call it Kuchies because of the restaurant. It is difficult to paddle upstream on the IL River into the mouth of Kickapoo Creek from here, but it can be done. This access point is mainly used for a take-out point at the end of floats or launching motorized vessels to go up the creek. Barge traffic and strong river currents make this access point dangerous to inexperienced paddlers. We do not recommend taking out here unless you are comfortable controlling your vessel.
Kickapoo Creek Road, Bartonville - 40°39'15.5"N 89°38'53.9"W - 2.0 Miles to Mouth
There is a commuter lot located off Kickapoo Creek Road where it is legal to park. To access the creek, walk under the railroad bridge and you will see a short, steep path through the trees that runs down to the creek. This is one of our most frequented access points, but not the easiest. Beware of muddy slopes and strenuous hauling.
Lakota Landing - 40°40'29.5"N 89°39'28.9"W - 3.6 Miles to Mouth
Lakota landing is a creekside property owned by Friends of Rocky Glen. This property can be located by a ¼ mile gravel pull off on the side of Kickapoo Creek Road. Parking is allowed here as long as you leave room for others to pull through. Please respect this property and its plants as it is completely maintained by volunteers and undergoing native habitat restoration. This is not a recommended canoe access point, but can be good for fishing/ recreating. Note: There is an easy canoe access point right around the bend (¼ mile upstream from Lakota Landing), but it is property of the railroad and access is prohibited.
Rocky Glen Park - 40°41'39.3"N 89°39'06.1"W - 5.7 Miles to Mouth
This is a Peoria Park District parking lot off of Kickapoo Creek Road. It is primarily used for the Rocky Glen hiking trailhead, but access to the creek can be obtained by parking here and walking across the street to the creek. Not recommended as a canoe access point.
Farmington Road - 40°42'03.3"N 89°39'15.5"W - 6.2 Miles to Mouth
Farmington Road Bridge can be used as a canoe access point, but there is no parking. It is commonly used to unload gear and then park vehicles off site at either Rocky Glen Park or Vicary Bottoms Park. It’s not recommended to park at the Speedway.
Vicary Bottoms Park - 40°42'38.0"N 89°39'26.0"W - 7.8 Miles to Mouth
This is a Peoria Park District park commonly used as a dog park. The parking lot is very small and the creek is a far walk from the lot. There is an access road to get closer to the creek on the north side of the park. Canoe access can be obtained here, but it’s not ideal. Vicary Bottoms is best used for hiking/fishing/swimming access.
Pottstown - 40°43'02.5"N 89°39'45.9"W - 8.2 Miles to Mouth
Access to the creek is best obtained on the north side of Pottstown Rd bridge, on the west side of Kickapoo Creek. There is a paved road that sweeps down by the creek, and a steep walk will bring you right to the creek. Please do not park on the street here or on Pottstown Road. This is a common canoe loading/unloading point, but not good to keep cars at.
Reservoir Blvd Train Bridge - 40°43'36.1"N 89°39'48.5"W - 9 Miles to Mouth
Parking is on the north side of Reservoir Blvd where it meets Southport Rd (Rt.8). This area is foot access only and not recommended for canoe launches. It is popular among locals for fishing and swimming. However, much of the area around the creek at this location is private property and access is prohibited.
Kickapoo Creek North
This section of Kickapoo Creek holds some of the most scenic views and is best floated in spring to mid-summer when the water is higher. The smallmouth spawn, May-June, is a particularly pleasurable time to float from Switzer Road. Access here is fewer and far between so plan to float for most of the day.

Taylor Road - 40°44'29.5"N 89°44'56.5"W - 14.5 Miles to Mouth
There is a gravel/dirt pull off on the west side of Taylor Rd right by the bridge. It is okay to park here as long as you are far enough away from the road, and you don’t block farmer access to the fields. To access the creek, walk down the steep bridge embankment toward the creek. This is a great drop-in point for canoes, but not ideal for a take-out because of how steep and muddy it can be.
Kramm Road - 40°45'23.4"N 89°47'04.7"W - 17.3 Miles to Mouth
Kramm Road Bridge is a good canoe access point. It’s common for floaters to start here and travel to Taylor Rd for a short float through a pristine part of Kickapoo Creek. Please be aware: it is perfectly legal to park your car and access the public right-of-way anywhere within 10' of Peoria County roads as long as it isn't obstructing traffic and there are no signs prohibiting parking.
N. Switzer Road - 40°47'36.6"N 89°48'48.5"W - 21.5 Miles to Mouth
This is another excellent canoe launch, although technically is it not on the Kickapoo Creek. This is on West Fork Kickapoo Creek. You can park your car along the road and slide your canoe down embankment to the creek. You will only have a short float before you run into the true Kickapoo Creek.
US Route 150 - 40°48'03.3"N 89°48'02.2"W - 22.1 Miles to Mouth
The creek can be accessed by parking on the side of Schlink Rd. Vehicles have been left here for long periods of time, but it should be noted that this is mostly private property, and you should stay on the county right-of-ways when parking or accessing the creek. The trek down to the creek can get pretty overgrown but otherwise is not too bad.
Kickapoo Creek Headwaters
This section of the creek is tougher to float. It can only be used in the spring or when water is high, and it tend to have lots of downed trees that make it difficult to navigate. However, if you're in for a challenge it can be a very fun and rewarding float!

Evans Mill Road 40°49'13.6"N 89°44'14.6"W - 27.3 Miles to Mouth
The creek can be accessed on the South side of the bridge, and you may park on the side of the road. The way down may be overgrown at certain times, but once you are in the creek you should be able to navigate with relative ease. Downed trees are not as frequent South of here.
Leslie Rutherford Park 40°49'52.9"N 89°41'25.7"W - 31.2 Miles to Mouth
The creek can be accessed by the Dickison Cemetery Rd bridge, and parking is allowed at Leslie Rutherford Park. Bushwhacking may be involved to get down to the creek, depending on time of year.
Rock Island State Trail 40°50'14.7"N 89°39'23.6"W - 34.4 Miles to Mouth
Access to the creek can be obtained from the Rock Island Trail or from many spots within this public recreation area. You have to float a quarter mile downstream to the confluence of Kickapoo Creek. This is not an ideal boat launch. The only parking lot is a good 5 minute walk to the water.
Hicks Hollow Rd 40°53'11.7"N 89°40'22.8"W - 39.4 Miles to Mouth
The farthest north access point that is commonly used. The creek is very narrow here and only floatable in higher water. Parking is unknown and it is best to be dropped off. Prepare for lots of downed trees.